Latest news
29 Nov 2023
Nailed it: why do the Swedes nail their thesis?
Nailing one's doctoral thesis by simply nailing it up for viewing is an old tradition that possibly dates back to Martin Luther. The tradition has lost its former glory but is stil...
5 Oct 2023
Neuroimmune crosstalk in early Alzheimer’s disease – PhD interview with Megg Garcia-Ryde
Megg Garcia-Ryde’s thesis sheds light on the early pathological processes in Alzheimer’s disease and the interplay between neurons and microglia as the disease evolves. October 10,...
8 Sep 2023
CoPARLU –Centre of Physical Activity Research at Lund University
Collaboration is the most efficient way of moving science forward. That is why our research group initiated a network inviting all researchers interested in physical activity inves...
27 Jun 2023
Why research replication fails
Communication is key in research. Recently, our lab had a team-building day at the beach. And a simple Lego game can tell very much about the reasons behind the reproducibility cri...
30 May 2023
Does Alzheimer’s disease start inside neurons? – Interview with Tomas Roos, recently recruited to our lab
The aggregation of the protein Amyloid-beta (Abeta) into plaques outside the nerve cells has been recognized in patients with Alzheimer’s disease since 1905. But eliminating the pl...
5 Oct 2022
Biomarker reveals inflammatory changes in the brain with Alzheimer’s disease
Inflammatory responses in the brain have long been suspected of playing a role in Alzheimer’s disease, but are challenging to monitor in the living human brain. An international co...
7 Jun 2022
Welcome to our new PhD student from Ukraine
Since 24 February, nothing has been the same for Ukrainian researchers. In this urgent situation, we have been able to offer one of them a Ph.D. position. We welcome our new collea...
29 Apr 2022
Ph.D. interview - Oscar Manouchehrian
Oscar Manouchehrian has explored the roles of exercise and inflammation in neurological disorders. On May 13, he defends his Ph.D. thesis. Here, he shares his insights into academi...
1 Oct 2021
A physically active lifestyle may prevent anxiety
Having a physically active lifestyle may significantly reduce your risk to develop anxiety disorders. This is the conclusion from our new study following almost 400 000 Swedes, whe...
27 May 2021
PhD defence interview - Yiyi Yang
During her Ph.D. studies, Yiyi Yang has been investigating the role of microglia in the pathological development of Alzheimer’s disease. On the 3rd of June, it is time to defend he...